Sports Action
Hamilton's Jack Doeden going for two points with a double-leg takedown.
Goalkeeper Merek Segmany launches the ball down the field following a great save in the net.
Hamilton teammates celebrates with Tyler Stezowski after he takes it in for six.
Taylor Phillips going up from the Hawkeye block.
Bobby Tasma goes high with a jump shot just inside the arc for two.
Hamilton's Covering Hawkeye Sports class had an opportunity to go to a Whitecaps game and learn how they use their social media and covered games.
Hamilton's Jordon Wiley sends the bowling ball down the lane. Every Tuesday night Team Strikers practice for their Special Olympic tournament held in February.
Hamilton's setter Tori Folkert sets to 6'2" AJ Ediger for the kill.
Jenna Kloosterman coming up for a breath while swimming the butterfly.